
Brief history of the museum

ROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo

It is located in the Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia). It opened its doors on July 5, 2006, after two years of intense work, with a new concept of showing Romanesque art to the general public.

The ROM wants to be an added value to that great resource that is the Romanesque art of our region, where monumental, natural and human heritage make up an inseparable unit.

In addition to delving into the Romanesque, the ROM also aims to make known the time, the lifestyle at that time and what has come down to us from that society.

Ultimately, our intention is that it serves as a window through which the visitor will access our roads, towns, churches, traditions, landscapes, gastronomy or people.

ROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de CampooROM Exhibition Center: Monastery of Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo
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